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Duckworth Trust secures a positive future for Chapter Meadows

The Duckworth Worcestershire Trust (DWT) is delighted to announce that it has secured the long-term stewardship and security of the iconic riverside Chapter Meadows site through its sale to local philanthropist Tom Greenway and his publishing company 3dtotal Publishing. For over 25 years Chapter Meadows has been in the hands of the DWT and in this time the trust has undertaken work to enhance and maintain its ecological value and has provided infrastructure for the people of Worcester to utilise and enjoy this important greenspace.  Due to some significant challenges over the last few years, the Trust has had to close down some of its operations and it has been very keen to secure a positive future for the site.  Tom is very keen to carry on the legacy of the DWT and recognizes how important this site is to the people of Worcester and to nature.  Tom is seeking to continue the environmentally sensitive grazing regime at the site and he is looking at how he can enhance the site's ecological value and public enjoyment by working alongside local volunteer groups such as the Worcester Environmental Group (WEG).

Beatrice Duckworth, the wife of the late Cecil Duckworth, founder of the trust said: “We were pleased to sell the site to Tom, as like Cecil, he is a successful local businessman wanting to make a positive impact for nature and people, we looked at a number of options and we feel that the site is in a very safe pair of hands for the future.”. 

In addition to securing a safe future for the site, the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust has committed to distribute all of the funds received from the sale to local projects and community groups. In the next few months, the Trust plans to set up a community grant scheme offering grants that will focus on enhancing the natural environment and promoting sustainable living.  The trust sees this as a positive way to continue contributing to environmental improvements and create a lasting legacy for future generations.